
The Scharpff-Striebich Collection comprises contemporary painting as well as sculpture and installation works that bear a critical reference to the times. By globalizing and diversifying her collection, she adds to the bigger picture of her parents collection as well as art history.

Focus Collection at the Kunsthalle Mannheim, 2024-2025, Ambera Wellmann
Focus Collection at the Kunsthalle Mannheim, 2024-2025, Ambera Wellmann


Starting in the 1980s, the Scharpff Collection has been built and grown by the art collector couple Rudolf and Ute Scharpff. The initial focus was on American graffiti painting and socially critical art. Later the emphasis was to shift to collecting paintings.

Exhibition „Cool Place“, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart with works of Albert Oehlen, 2014
Exhibition „Cool Place“, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart with works of Albert Oehlen, 2014

Since the death of the collector couple, the Scharpff Collection has belonged to their two daughters. The younger daughter Carolin Scharpff-Striebich continues to manage the collection on behalf of the two families.

At the same time, she is building up her own collection.

The Scharpff Collection and the Collection Scharpff-Striebich operate in a way that is climate neutral by cooperating with the Art to Acres initiative.

Exhibition „New York Graffiti
Exhibition „New York Graffiti" aus der Sammlung Scharpff, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart, 18.2.-1.5.2011 featuring works by Rammellzee, Lee Quinones and Delta2

Carolin Scharpff-Striebich studied business administration in Germany, the USA and France. Subsequently, she worked in the industry sector and taught marketing at the University of Applied Science in Karlsruhe. She lectures regularly on the topic of collecting contemporary art and has published the books “Let’s Talk Abstract” and “André Butzer. By Sammlung Scharpff”. 
Scharpff-Striebich is a member of various commissions as for example at the steering committee of the Kunstsammlerverein in Berlin. She is chairwoman of the board of trustees of the Peter & Irene Ludwig Foundation as well as chairwoman of the society of Friends of the Kunstmuseum Bonn. She is also at the foundation council of the Kunsthalle Tübingen and the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Since the death of her father in 2019, she has been chairwoman of the Rudolf and Ute Scharpff Foundation for Contemporary Art.

Carolin Scharpff-Striebich


The Rudolf and Uta Scharpff Foundation for Modern Art was founded in recognition of and collaboration with the museums taking part in Cooperative Storage. The Foundation’s assets are comprised of works of art that have been donated to the respective museums in honor of their long-term association and commitment to the Scharpff Collection. Since the death of Rudolf Scharpff Carolin Scharpff-Striebich is the president of the Foundation.

Rudolf and Ute Scharpff, 2008
Rudolf and Ute Scharpff, 2008

Cooperative Storage

More than ten years ago, the so-called “Cooperative Storage” was created, which keeps works of art from both collections. This means that works from the collection are shared among a few selected museums, allowing them to work with art following their ideas and according to their wishes.



Museum Shows

WE. The Body as a sign. Exhibition with works from the collection Scharpff-Striebich, Kunstmuseum Mühlheim an der Ruhr.

2024 & 2025
Collection Focus. Kunsthalle Mannheim in cooperation with the Collection Scharpff-Striebich.

2023 & 2024
Dawn Of Humanity. Art in Periods of Upheaval. A presentation of the collection of the Kunstmuseum Bonn in cooperation with the Collection Scharpff-Striebich.

2021 & 2022
Angespannte Zustände. (Tense Conditions). A presentation of the collection of contemporary art at the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart in dialogue with the Collection Scharpff-Striebich.

Cool Place. Collection Scharpff,
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

New York Graffiti from the collection Scharpff,
Kunstmuseum Stuttgart

Styles and Stile. Recent Paintings from the Scharpff Collection,
Goethe-Institute Sofia

Ice Hot. Recent Painting from the Scharpff Collection,
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart

Ice Hot. Recent Painting from the Scharpff Collection,
Hamburger Kunsthalle

Family Values. American Art in the Eighties and Nineties,
Hamburger Kunsthalle

Leap in Time. Collection Rudolf and Ute Scharpff,
Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen

New York Graffiti. Collection Scharpff,
Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen

Nouveau Réalisme, Groupshow including works from the Scharpff Collection,
Kunsthalle Mannheim and later Kunstmuseum Winterthur

Life with Art, Groupshow including works from the Scharpff Collection,
Württembergischer Kunstverein, Stuttgart


Dawn of Humanity
Art in Periods of Upheaval

Tense Conditions
A Presentation of the Contemporary Art Collection
Hirmer Verlag

André Butzer
By Sammlung Scharpff
Hg. Carolin Scharpff-Striebich

André Butzer By Sammlung Scharpff Hg. Carolin Scharpff-Striebich

Let’s Talk Abstract
Hg. Carolin Scharpff-Striebich
Distanz Verlag

Let’s Talk Abstract Hg. Carolin Scharpff-Striebich Distanz Verlag

order online



Carolin Scharpff-Striebich, Bonn



Verantwortlich i.s.d. § 5 TMG:
Sammlung Scharpff
Carolin Scharpff-Striebich, Bonn
Die Website ist urheberrechtlich geschützt.

Copyright und Fotorechte:
Skulptur Startscreen: © Glenn Brown
Alle Installationsfotos der Ausstellung „Cool Place“, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart: die arge lola.
Kunsthalle Mannheim: Kunsthalle Mannheim, © Jesse Darling, Anys Reimann, Diamond Stingily, Zanele Muholi, Ambera Wellmann .
Kunstmuseum Bonn: Kunstmuseum Bonn, © Deborah Roberts, Anys Reimann, Tschabalala Self.
Staatsgalerie Stuttgart: Staatsgalerie Stuttgart, © Rashid Johnson, Kapwani Kiwanga, Simone Leigh, Ambera Wellmann.
Neo Rauch: © courtesy Galerie EIGEN+ART Leipzig/Berlin/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018.
Daniel Richter: © courtesy CFA/VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018.
Julian Schnabel: © Julian Schnabel Studio, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2018.
© André Butzer, © Albert Oehlen, © Rebecca Warren.
Für die Werke von Michel Majerus: © Michel Majerus Estate, courtesy neugerriemschneider, Berlin und Mathew Marks Gallery.
Photo Carolin Scharpff-Striebich: Carl Brunn
Photo Ute und Rudolf Scharpff: Uwe Anspach dpa/lsw

Trotz intensiver Recherche ist es möglicherweise nicht in allen Fällen gelungen, den Rechteinhaber korrekt zu ermitteln. Wir bitten in diesem Fall uns zu kontaktieren.

Concept und Design:
StudioKrimm, Berlin
Ingo Tegeder, Berlin
CMS: Redaxo